Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Well Alan Lamb and company have finally decided to grow a pair and call Mike Drummond out on his lies. They say the the Drummond Slate has been caught being dishonest "again". Intresting that they say "again" since this is the first time that Alan and company have pointed out any dishonesty on the part of Mike Drummond.

Alan calling Drummond out on his mountain of lies is pretty rich coming from Lamb. He asks how many meetings did Drummond attend (answer zero in at least five years,maybe more) when Alan decided to stop coming to union meetings or any other union functions after the members rejected him in 2007 until he decided to announce for office in March of this year.

Honesty isn't Alan's strong hand either. Alan claims on his website to be a 30 year Teamster. He seems to have his union membership confused with his seniority at UPS. You see Alan has a seniority date of 1980, but wasn't sworn in to Local 728 until 1988. Alan work for EIGHT YEARS as a freeloader at UPS! Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, we do live in a right to work state after all, but for some reason Alan has chosen to LIE about the length of his membership in our union.

Alan also chose to lie about how long one of his candidates was a member. He claimed his candidate for Trustee Richard Haas was a 12 year Teamster but the reality was that he had only been a member since May of 2009.

I guess if your looking to vote for a slate that actually has the truth on their side there's only one way to vote.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One More Time on the Money

The United Slate folks still can't figure out this money thing, so here it is as plain as I can make(and i'm also typing this real slow for good measure):

0ver $500,000 in grience wins at UPS
Over $500,000 in grievance wins in Freight
Several tens of thousand of dollars in miscellaneous "white paper" contract grievance wins.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Let's talk money

Apparently the United Slate is confused by some numbers wev've put out in regards to grievance awards. Flyers that have been distrubuted by Members First in freight and UPS each make reference to over $500,000 in grievance awards. In our previous post we pointed out that Local 728 has won over one million dollars for our members over the last 3 years. So which is it they ask? So here are the rough numbers broken down. In both Freight and UPS Local 728 have have won over $500,000 in grievance settlements for various contract violations and backpay. In "white paper" (waste,school bus , transit etc.) contracts, an undetermined several tens of thousands of doillars have been won, but the specific amount is harder to determine. Whatever the amount, it exceeds one million dollars. Still a fact.

Facts are Pesky Things

With the ballots being mailed today in the Local 728 officers election, the mudslinging is sure to hit a fever pitch. In anticipation of the coming storm of untruths, here on some FACTS that are absolutely true and verifiable:

IT IS A FACT that the overwhelming majority of grievances processed by Local 728 are won in favor of the grievant.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has won over ONE MILLION DOLLARS in grievance pay for for Local 728 members over the last 3 years.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has reversed a 20 year membership decline under Randy Brown.Had the layoff in freight not happened, Local 728 would have over 8,000 members. As it stands though, Local 728 has seen a net gain of 1300 members due to organizing and aggresive membeship drives.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has a 95% win rate in arbitrations.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has worked in partnerships with the International union on a number of campaigns including organizing, political action, and corporate campaigns.(ie. the notion that Local 728 is somehow estranged from the International union is bunk)

If anyone tells you any different, THEY ARE A LIAR.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Local 728 Members Hit Back Against Lies

The Drummond Slate Goes Over the Edge

Elections are about the free exchange of the ideas and FACTS. When one side decides to resort to outright falsehoods, it is the duty of all parties to take them to the political woodshed and chastise them for dishonesty.

The Drummond Slate has consistently been willing to resort to fabrications and falsehoods during this campaign. Recent actions of the Drummond Slate have moved them from the catagory of petty liars to people willing to say anything to get elected, even if it means damaging our union. Yesterday, Mike Drummond's slate posted the above image and caption on their Facebook page.In the post the Drummond slate acuses President Randy Brown of "Randy Brown closed our Savannah Office supposedly to save money and used the savings to funds his Campaign for Members First Slate."

Making such a statement crosses the line. Falsely accusing a union officer of illegal activity without a shred of evidence should bring the accuser's credibility as a candidate into question. Local 728 has been through multiple routine audits from both the International Union and the Independent Review Board without even a hint of any sort of impropriety. Not only is spreading misinformation like this poisonous in a campaign, it also undermines members faith in their union as an organization and will potentially be used in misinformation campaigns by union busters during organizing campaigns.

Local 728 members deserve an answer from Mike Drummond as to whether he endorses spreading lies about our union. He hasn't been willing to withdraw and own up to his other lies, so this writer won't be holding his breath.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

"I said What?!"

If you are entering or leaving work and see the "Disunited" slate campaigning at your gate, watch out for cameras. If you are not careful you may end up as a talking head on their website listed as one of their supporters. To make matters worse, you will probably labeled with a quote you may have never said such as,"I support Alan Lamb and the United Slate 100%." While on the campaign trail, several members have complained to Members First campaigners that they had had conversations with various "United" Slate candidates and had their picture taken while they were talking. Their pictures were then put on the United Slate's website and a completely made up quote was put underneath their picture. I guess it's understandable for the United Slate feels like they need to manufacture support (they sorely need it), but it isn't making them any friends.For the record, everyone who appears on the Members First supporter page has signed a petition committing to support the Members First Slate.