Friday, November 19, 2010

Facts are Pesky Things

With the ballots being mailed today in the Local 728 officers election, the mudslinging is sure to hit a fever pitch. In anticipation of the coming storm of untruths, here on some FACTS that are absolutely true and verifiable:

IT IS A FACT that the overwhelming majority of grievances processed by Local 728 are won in favor of the grievant.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has won over ONE MILLION DOLLARS in grievance pay for for Local 728 members over the last 3 years.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has reversed a 20 year membership decline under Randy Brown.Had the layoff in freight not happened, Local 728 would have over 8,000 members. As it stands though, Local 728 has seen a net gain of 1300 members due to organizing and aggresive membeship drives.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has a 95% win rate in arbitrations.

IT IS A FACT that Local 728 has worked in partnerships with the International union on a number of campaigns including organizing, political action, and corporate campaigns.(ie. the notion that Local 728 is somehow estranged from the International union is bunk)

If anyone tells you any different, THEY ARE A LIAR.