Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Disunited" Slate Flunks Math

The grossly misnamed "United Slate" have been busy peddling false rumors (shocking!) about Local 728's newest Business Agent, Matt Higdon. The rumor is that Randy Brown hired Matt "because it's an election year" so Randy Brown can "increase visiblity" during an election year. So let's do the math since apparently they can't count:

Local 728 UPS Business Agents prior to Matt Higdon being hired:
Jim Higginbotham
Donnie Dixon
Eric Thornton
Walt Neal
Randall Andrews
Tim Chaney
Eric Robertson
Robert Wood(part-time Feeder Agent)

Local 728 UPS Business Agents after Matt Higdon was hired:
Jim Higginbotham
Donnie Dixon
Eric Thornton
Walt Neal
Matt Higdon
Tim Chaney
Eric Robertson

That's 8 Business Agents before Matt was hired and 7 after he was hired.Matt was hired to replace Randall Andrews who resigned to take another job. The reduction in agents is due to Robert Wood resigning. So Local 728 now has 7 full-time UPS agents. Just in case any "dis-united" slate supporters reading this still don't get it, 7 agents is less than 8. So the rumor that Randy Brown is hiring additional agents just for an election year falls flat on it's face. Thankfully, now UPS feeder drivers have a full time agent and Matt Higdon is doing a great job for Local 728 UPS members.