Friday, November 15, 2013


General President Hoffa has denied Alan Lamb's appeal of the ruling that he was ineligible to run for President of Local 728.

Local 728 Secretary-Treasurer Scott Webber informed Alan of his ineligibility when Alan requested a verification of his eligibility to run for Local 728 President prior to nominations. After a review of Alan's dues history it was clear Alan had not paid his dues for a full 24 months which is required by the Teamsters Constitution to run for union office.

Even after being informed of this fact, Alan insisted on moving forward with being nominated while he appealed the ineligibility ruling, knowing that if he lost his slate would be crippled by not having a Candidate for President. But concern for others was obviously not at the top of Alan's priorities and he clearly put his ego before all other concerns.

Apparently Alan thought he wasn't subject to the rules all other Teamster members must live by. He was wrong.

The Local 728 election will move forward now with two full slates and one partial slate without a president.

Here is the response to his appeal from General President Hoffa:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Alan Lamb shows "solidarity with...UNION BUSTERS!

First we had a "union leader" who is running for President of our Local union (Patrick Garner) distribute scab t-shirts made in an Honduran sweatshop. Not to be outdone, "Real Union Man" Alan Lamb recommends that Local 728 members who view his "Solidarity Slate" Facebook page to "get the truth" about Local 728 from, wait for it...THE BIGGEST ANTI-UNION WEBSITE IN THE COUNTRY! 

That's right, "" is a one-stop- shop for anyone looking to get "dirt" on their union so they can destroy it. They will even give you how-to instructions on how to get rid of the union at your workplace. Doesn't sound like a website that any REAL Teamster leader should be going to does it?

 The information that Alan Lamb recommends you check out is a list of Unfair labor practice charges filed against Local 728. What he doesn't mention is that most of the charges listed were filed by NON-MEMBERS who for one reason or another thought the union did them wrong under Georgia's "right to work for less" law. He also fails to mention that since Randy Brown has been President of Local 728, ALL the charges filed by freeloading scabs, or anyone else for that matter have been dismissed, except one filed by, you guessed it, a freeloading scab for Local 728 not processing his grievances fast enough. That charge was settled by posting the Local would not discriminate against the freeloader.

Apparently Alan thinks our dues money would be better spent catering to people who thumb their noses at OUR union while using the grievance procedure to enrich themselves. Otherwise, why would he have posted a link to a website that tells the freeloading pieces of dirt about their right to freeload and what to do if a union doesn't cater to their sorry asses. Is this what a "real union man" would do?

Maybe if Alan had spent more time joining all the activity Local 728 has going on fighting for our members like picket lines for workers on strike fighting for first contracts, or demonstrations to restore unemployment benefits for hundreds of Local 728 members, or fighting legislation dreamed up by these people to destroy our union instead of spreading lies trying to tear down our union, he might learn the difference between "the truth" and being a frontman for union busters.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Patrick Garner and the "Sweatshop Slate" ?

Patrick Garner's scabby sweatshop wear
What kind of "Union Leader" would buy their campaign material from a sweatshop that forces people (including children) to work for starvation wages sometimes at the point of a gun? Apparently Patrick Garner and his "A New Beginning Slate" would. 

The safety green shirts promoting Patrick's slate was made in Honduras, you know that place where millions of jobs were moved from the United States so they could produce products in sweatshops paying below poverty wages often using children - and of course non-union. These workers are frequently subjected to threats, intimidation and in many cases violence to keep them in check and prevent union organizing.

In another "OOPS I screwed up!" moment, Patrick had the Teamster logo printed (at a non union printer) on the very same sweatshop wear in violation of the Teamsters International's licensing policy. Under this policy clothing bearing a Teamster logo can only be printed by a vendor licensed by the Teamsters. This could actually mean the vendor gets sued by the International union for breach of copyright. I guess they will have Patrick to thank for that.

The vendor who printed Patrick's shirt better hope that no one from the Teamsters International union finds out that they printed OUR UNION logo non-union on shirts not made in America.

Patrick needs to have some class, quit being cheap and buy shirts produced by our fellow union members and not in sweatshops in Honduras.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Make this site your first stop to debunk the lies of the rogues gallery of haters that will soon begin slinging mud.
Here we Go!