General President Hoffa has denied Alan Lamb's appeal of the ruling that he was ineligible to run for President of Local 728.
Local 728 Secretary-Treasurer Scott Webber informed Alan of his ineligibility when Alan requested a verification of his eligibility to run for Local 728 President prior to nominations. After a review of Alan's dues history it was clear Alan had not paid his dues for a full 24 months which is required by the Teamsters Constitution to run for union office.
Even after being informed of this fact, Alan insisted on moving forward with being nominated while he appealed the ineligibility ruling, knowing that if he lost his slate would be crippled by not having a Candidate for President. But concern for others was obviously not at the top of Alan's priorities and he clearly put his ego before all other concerns.
Apparently Alan thought he wasn't subject to the rules all other Teamster members must live by. He was wrong.
The Local 728 election will move forward now with two full slates and one partial slate without a president.
Here is the response to his appeal from General President Hoffa: